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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 06:45:40 on October 4,2000

    Entry number 49243

    keyword=trigger not set properly!

    we forgot to download the proper trigger for the hadron arm
    before taking these data. an analysis of the betas of this setting
    and that of py_1A, along with the assumption of 25m for the
    flight path, says that the coinc time should move by about 30
    ns between the two settings. this is consistent with the
    little blip on the spectrum below, at the upper edge, being our
    desired time peak :( putting a time cut on this upper edge, along
    with good e- cuts (gassum and reactz) we see a significant peak
    at the right missing energy, albeit with poor statistics.
    It turns out that the "gassum" cut has almost the same effect as a
    good "reactz" cut in the e- arm. I am not sure why there is some
    strange peak in the timing spectrum if the electron arm has a bad

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2