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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 09:32:47 on October 4,2000

    Entry number 49258

    keyword=hall A kicks butt!

    OK so here it is (now that Mark showed up and saved me).
    following plot shows missing energy spectrum with following cuts.
    reactz cut on electron arm
    reactz cut on hadron arm
    cut on coinc time.
    more cuts could make this look even better. at the moment we know that
    the following improvements must be made:
    1) paddle alignment on S2 (aligns components in tc from each of 6 diff
    ..... paddles per spectrometer).
    2) t0 must be redone for vdcs
    3) reactz difference cut can be applied.
    also would be nice to try aerogel and see if that works. this is very encouraging,
    that is if we can get bob to stop saying stuff like "there is a lot of strange
    stuff going on". this is data in real physics setting, fairly large pmiss!!!
    2nd plot is tc spectrum, with cuts on reactz in each spectrometer.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2