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    User name epstein

    Log entry time 23:58:16 on October 4,2000

    Entry number 49340

    keyword=shift summary

    17:07 angle and momentum changed for spectrometer right. Angle is 44.966
    momentum = 1.0148 GeV/c. ( We had been at an angle of 36.409 and momentum of
    1.1935 GeV/c. Getting ready for link point 2 of this data set.
    17:27 Starting run for link point 2 between PY-1D and PY-1C run # 1399
    18:22 End run lost beam but we had just about finished this point anyway.
    Changing electron (Left) spectrometer angle and field from angle=17.732
    and momentum of 2.35975.

    18:32 Kathy McCormick came by and had noticed that the target was not in temperature regulation. This has undoubtably been the case since about 12:15 AM when the target ioc was rebooted. Obviously, this has implications for the stability
    of the target density. Kathy is thus my hero for the day !!!

    19:10 when high power heater regulator started, temperature went to 6.3 k and stayed there. This happened at the end of run 1403. So all data until run 1403 is ok. We do see elastic peak in run 1403. Then we discovered that target has vented.

    20:55 (Jack) Upon entering the left arm shield hut on this access I found the
    mineral oil in the input overpressure bubbler labeled top VDC was too low. EPICS
    logging shows flow through the VDC stopped at about 13:30 today. I capped off the
    low overpressure relief bubbler. The VDC was bubbling when I left it. FPP3 also
    had the same problem. I capped that off, also. FPP3 exhaust bubbler was
    bubbling when I left. The rectification of this problem is a work in progress.

    21:15 Target full. MCC sweeping Hall.

    22:00 Harp scan completed, raster turned on and spot++ run.
    New trigger loaded for hadron momentum 1.0148 GeV/c
    22:22 Run 1406 started, 4He(e,e'p) PY-1C, changed prescale factors, starting run 1407.
    tc spectrum looked poor time peak too close to the high time range end.
    tc_cor spectrum looks awful. Changed trigger file back to previous one for
    hadron momentum 1,193 GeV/c. tc spectrum is centered better now. tc_cor
    is still too wide.
    23:55 Continue taking data for PY-1C. Quick espace analysis suggests that the
    data are reasonable but the analysis needs work, i.e. database, header files, etc.