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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 11:16:10 on October 7,2000

    Entry number 49645

    keyword=py-1e does have a peak

    Unfortunately, we can find the peak for py-1e. Cuts still need to be fairly
    aggressive. I used the following cuts to find this peak:
    1) cut on e.reactz
    2) cut on h.reactz
    3) cut on difference between the two
    4) cut on missing mass between 0 and 80 MeV.
    I will go back and redo with tighter cuts on reactz in each arm, since
    Pete reported he was seeing coincidences from the cell walls.
    we did it (dummy run).
    i do not have a picture here, but we are convinced these coincs are
    not from the cell wall.

    FIGURE 1