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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 19:58:56 on October 7,2000

    Entry number 49701

    keyword=re: daq gripe (and filesplitting)

    Re: halog 49700
    Indeed, file-splitting DOES work in hall A, just
    as elsewhere. All that has to be done is set the
    event limit back to '0' so that runs don't stop.
    Then the files become e97111_1451.dat.0, .dat.1,
    .dat.2, ... etc. (and each file is close to 2 Gbytes).

    However, other people have in the past forbidden
    usage of this 'file spliitting' feature, for reasons of offline
    analysis convenience. So, the DAQ can do it (last time
    I checked it was in July), but you'll need to ask permission
    from the powers that be.