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    User name markowitz

    Log entry time 07:49:39 on October 8,2000

    Entry number 49758

    keyword=shift summary

    Run Start Stop Events Comments
    1576 23:54 00:15 1.2M good data, py_1E
    1577 00:16 00:38 1.2M
    1578 00:39 01:00 1.2M
    1579 01:00 01:22 1.2M
    1580 01:22 01:45 1.2M
    1581 01:46 02:07 1.2M
    1582 01:47 02:32 0.7M

    02:27 MCC called to take beam for the QE measurement
    DAQ also hung and we had to kill everything and reboot several times.
    ROC1 and ROC2 and ROC14 were not talking to RunControl.

    1583 02:47 03:08 1.2M
    1584 03:09 03:31 1.2M
    1585 03:32 03:53 1.2M
    1586 03:53 04:14 1.2M
    1587 04:15 04:37 1.2M
    1588 04:38 04:59 1.2M
    1589 05:01 05:15 .7M ended with ROC14 hung
    1590 05:17 05:18 trash -- mcc took away beam but DAQ is ok again

    beam still not back at end of shift