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    User name L.Y. Zhu

    Log entry time 08:12:03 on October11,2000

    Entry number 50075

    keyword=shift summary

    21.56 Took data at only 50uA. We can not go higher because the pressure of the target was too high at 70uA.
    12:30 Called Kathy and attempted to increase the current to 70uA again, stopped at 62uA because of alarm of target.
    Stopped the beam to reboot IOC. Target vented. Called Kathy and Joe, then closed the valve EV212.
    Joe and Kathy went down to the hall.
    3:22 Target problem of CT097/96 fixed, 4He refilled.

    5:51 Beam off to do QE measurment
    5.58 Beam back
    6:57 Beam off because MCC need to cycle the magnets
    7:08 Beam back
    7.52 Beam off to do QE measurment

    8:03 The Helium for the dipole in the left arm is low sometimes. (L(%) red)

    Procuction runs: PY-2F
    Run#...Start...Stop... Size...Comments

    1711 23:56 00:27 0.7M target unstable, 83mc
    1712 3:42 4:11 1.2M good run,117mc
    1713 4:11 4:41 1.2M good run
    1714 4:41 5:12 1.2M good run
    1715 5:12 5:41 1.2M good run
    1716 5:41 5:50 0.3M stopped to do QE, 29mc
    1717 6:10 6:40 1.2M good run, 117mc
    1718 6:40 6:57 0.5M stopped to cycle the magnets, 47mc
    1719 7:18 7:47 1.2M good run
    1720 7:47 7:52 0.12M stopped to do QE.