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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 21:42:52 on October11,2000

    Entry number 50126

    keyword=py-2e @ 30 uA

    Here is what we have in the UNcorrected time spectrum at py-2e.
    Note in the lower left hand plot, we have used the "correct" beam
    energy, not the accelerator beam energy. Joe's guess is that the
    error in the reconstructed 2bbu peak is due to the spectrometers having
    been calibrated to the old, erroneous beam energy.
    We now move to 70 uA since this looks just fine. Note that in this spectrum
    we have 1:1 reals/randoms, but this will be more like 10:1 in the corrected
    time spectrum (maybe even at 70 uA).

    FIGURE 1