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    User name Ulmer

    Log entry time 23:57:01 on October12,2000

    Entry number 50237


    keyword=Shift Summary

    16:00-17:05: Continuing attempts at beam spot optimization, which failed,
    so settle for 90u x 100u
    17:06: Resume data taking for kinematics PY-2E. About 10 minutes lost due to
    X-raster size change (apparently HANA and SPOT++ use different
    calibrations which confused us) - at the end, raster was restored to
    original values.

    19:14: CODA problem, end run 1783 at 448k events (no end of run event)
    20:45: Q3 on Right tripped, reset ok, cycling to 1400A before going back to set point.
    20:55: Resume running
    21:35: CODA problem -- 3 minutes lost.
    Smooth data taking for remainder of shift.