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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 17:35:55 on October13,2000

    Entry number 50311

    keyword=Origin of TC wierdness, poss. fix

    Regarding the TC wierdness in halog 50304,5, and 7.
    First, I assume that Jeff's 'tc' has the sign convention
    (opposite to what I'm used to) that bigger 'tc' means
    the Left spectrometer is earlier. Then, the region from
    192 to 208 in his raw 'tc' corresponds to Left arm so
    early that the T5 timing is carried by R-arm and the
    DAQ ``L1A'' pulse also is carried by R-arm. Then at
    the L-arm retiming circuit the L-arm retiming pulse
    can be too early (see halog 49249 and paper log book
    diagram on about Oct 4). Result is that L-arm gates
    become tied to R-arm scintillator. Very ugly. It is
    related to our delay spools being too short. We made
    this region of bad timing worse when we increased the
    randoms window (actually when we increased the width of the
    L-arm signal, the T3 trigger, see halog 50013, paper
    log book p. 179). So, if all this is correct the options are:
    1) If the data from raw tc=192-208 (Jeff's sign convention)
    contain no important information, you can cut it out. I
    think the rest of 'tc' region is ok.
    2) We could add some more delay cable to the retiming
    circuit on L-arm. A ~16 nsec cable would suffice. However,
    Jeff's plots of ADCs and TDCs shows that when we shift 15 nsec
    we begin losing ADC amplitude. This is exactly the problem I
    have unsuccessfully fought... delay spools.
    3) If we reduce the L-arm trigger width to 8 nsec (which I
    DO NOT recommend reducing it below ~15 because it may
    not fire modules), it would also get rid of this funny region.
    My vote is 1), and someone should double check me.