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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 15:45:13 on October14,2000

    Entry number 50405

    keyword=more on paddle 2, left arm

    paddle 2 "bad timing" events (small peak) are very localized on focal
    plane (see fig. 1) -- red spectrum is gated on "big L2 peak", purple
    is gated on "little L2 peak".
    analysis of espace scint hitpatterns. have not verified Bob's assertion that
    this satellite peak is due to multiple hits, but I have discovered a clear
    difference which is shown in fig. 2. The left panels show the hit pattern
    of plane 1, left side when gated on main L2 peak (top), satellite peak (bottom).
    We are gating on peaks in plane 1, paddle 2, left side and can see that
    this is well reflected in the hit pattern -- more than 95% of the plane 1,
    left-side hitpatterns are "2" when gated on the S1-L2 peak (either the
    main or the satellite peak).
    The right side panels are similar except they show what is happening with
    hitpattern for plane 2, left side. For events in the main S1-2L peak,
    the hitpattern is mostly also paddle 2 in S2 on the left side. For events
    in the satellite peak, however, the hitpattern indicates mostly paddle 3.
    I wonder if these really are multiple hits? I will try to pull that out next.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2