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    User name jpchen

    Log entry time 11:25:40 on October16,2000

    Entry number 50517

    keyword=cryotarget in 'Park' status

    This shift is starting of Maintanance/Machine development period.
    Machine development from 8:00-13:00, and Maintanance afterwards.
    Empty target is in. The cryotarget is now in 'Park' status:
    Fan1=10% (24 Hz), JT1 is 35% and flow A_4k=39.4 g/s. High power
    heater is about 70 W, T=5.8K, P=233 psi). They will need to go back
    to 'Operation'Mode before the end of Maintanance period. (Fan1 back
    to 25%, or 60 Hz, JT1=86.7%, HP Heater=390 W).

    While reducing the coolant and fan speed, one temperature sensor
    CT169 went to 99.95 for a few minutes, then came back to normal.
    At the meantime, the vacuum went from 2X10-6 to 7x 10-6 then back to
    normal (nor sure if related). Everything is fine now.