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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 02:22:58 on October20,2000

    Entry number 50618


    keyword=lots of double hits in T3

    T3 rate is only 70 Hz on scaler screen (r-arm measurement).
    However there are lots of double hits in T3. see figure 1.
    scalers are all counting at reasonable rates. nobody is counting more
    than 1 kHz. conclusion must be that either there is something
    flaky in the trigger (do we get number of hits from MLU output?)
    or that for some reason there is a correlation between paddles
    for real S1.S2 coincidences. Former explanation seems more
    For comparison see the plots for T1/T5 (fig. 2). T1 is counting
    almost ten times faster, yet looks cleaner.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2