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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 11:58:59 on October22,2000

    Entry number 50734

    keyword=cqw-2b replay inconclusive

    Below are plots for cqw-2b replay. five big files (1.1 GB guys) were replayed,
    this is about 7.5 hours of data. we need statistics!!
    The first figure shows e_miss. All cuts are applied. after applying cuts, randoms
    subtraction is almost not necessary. randoms is overlaid curve in blue.
    second plot is pmiss. can see from blue curve that randoms are
    negligible. i claim that all we can tell here is that the cross section
    is not zero near where the hole is supposed to be. i don't think we
    can tell if there is any inflection there.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2