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    User name Ulmer

    Log entry time 16:00:13 on October22,2000

    Entry number 50740

    keyword=Day Shift Summary

    08:00: Starting off with smooooth data taking for Kin CQO-2B
    09:15: MCC called to tell us that beam will be taken away for 15 min
    in order to run tests related to finding the Hall B beam. Also at
    this time, beam was re-centered (it was about +0.3 mm off in X).
    09:17: Beam off for above-mentioned tests; end run 1977.
    10:25: Beam back while Hall B does Harp scans - start run 1978
    10:45: MCC says we can [continue] taking data while other Halls are
    being trouble-shooted.
    11:20: Stop Acquisition for Harp scan. Necessary since orbit may have
    changed while optimizing Hall B beam.
    11:38: Finished Harp scan; load 4He target. Waiting for beam
    while MCC looks into our bleedthrough into Hall C now.
    12:19: Beam back - continue running

    Smooth running for remainder of shift.