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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 22:03:15 on October26,2000

    Entry number 50952

    keyword=ugh. 80 deg cross section

    Below is the e_miss peak for run 2062.
    Using these counts, scaling to total number of T5's in the file,
    doing all the appropriate scalings, I get a cross section of 3.6 x 10^-6 ub/sr
    Joe's program printed a cross section of 1.76 x 10^-5 ub/sr.
    By assuming we lose 60% of the target length since the proton spec
    was close to 90 deg I can get closer (6 x 10^-6) and assuming 0.7
    for radiation tail I get 7.5e-6 but still more than a factor of two off.
    ai. perhaps it is this problem of triggers coming thru as T3 when they
    are really T5. I will try computing from e- arm only.
    This is a dismal failure. There are almost no electron singles as far as I
    can tell. Perhaps I need to reset the file for 1H(e,e')
    Fig below is kin-corrected delta spectrum in e arm, demanding NO
    h-arm good track. There are fewer events here, when in fact there should
    be more events here (no limitation on h-arm from target length).
    Given this analysis, we should have something like 7000 events in
    the elastic peak.

    FIGURE 1