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    User name weinstein

    Log entry time 16:15:42 on Oktober27,2000

    Entry number 51077

    keyword=shift summary

    8:00 running ep energy measurement
    9:10 request controlled access to move HRS_L to 13 degrees
    10:00 ask for beam
    10:15 get beam
    10:15 start run 2090
    10:31 change to dummy
    10:35 request beam
    10:51 change to 15cm LH2
    10:57 request beam
    11:30 coda problems - brief intervals of 100% dead times during runs 2097 and 2098.
    11:40 switch to ARC measurement, put in 12C multifoil, ramp down magnets
    12:15 daq problems were due to a switch setting. Fixed by ROM (see halog)
    12:40 arc done
    13:00 polarity switching starts, spectrometers being moved
    14:00 start ramping Right dipole
    14:10 polarity changed, all magnets ramping
    14:30 get beam just in case we need it someday
    15:00 perform "Harp Bullseye" Scan

    Left Arm: e-, 12.973 degrees, 2.242 MeV/c
    Right Arm: p+, 67.983 degrees, 0.5441 MeV/c

    Time Run tgt #events comment
    10:15 2090 12C 1.2M pointing
    10:25 2091 0.6M
    10:39 2092 15cm dummy 0.9M 10uA
    10:45 2093 0.13M 30uA
    10:59 2094 15cm LH2 0.4M 10uA
    11:04 2095 1.2M 10uA changed ps factors
    11:18 2096 0.3M 10uA
    11:27 2097 sieve
    coda problem at end
    11:30 2098 0.3M 10uA sieve

    Polarity is switched
    Left Arm: p+, 57.3 degrees,
    Right Arm: p+, 20.5 degrees,

    15:30 2103-2108 Harp "Bullseye" scan, beam moved around on
    grid of +- 1 mm in both dimensions, see HALOG 51071
    Magnets ready at end of shift