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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 03:31:08 on October28,2000

    Entry number 51156

    keyword=Suggestion for EDT test

    When the EDT tests are done later this weekend, I would like
    people to run the S-Ray MLU's briefly in ``transparent'' mode
    and compare to the normal mode (strobed, actually called ``pulse'' mode).
    I would expect the T1,T3 rates to remain the same between these
    modes, but what we MIGHT see is a decrease in the EDT, and
    its worth knowing if this is a better way to run. Of course, this
    only makes sense to compare if EDT is significantly above zero.
    Here's what to do:
    On adaqh2, go the right directory by typing ``gotrigger''.
    Start ``XTrigMang''. Select Right spectrometer, select s12R_mlu,
    modify data-base to select "tran" mode. Press ``down''. One
    may verify in the TS0 components screen that there is a printout
    about the mode: ``MLU mode 72'' (mode 72 is transparent, if
    its not this number, something isn't working). Next, do the same
    for L-arm: S12L_mlu, tran, download, check on TS1 screen.
    To back out, run ``trigsetup'' as usual (it will use default MLU setup).