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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 18:40:46 on October 9,2000

    Entry number 49935

    This entry is a followup to: 49931


    keyword=notes for trigger setting at D,E,F kinematics

    For D,E,F kinematics, it may be more challenging to discover the correct
    timing peak. One tack you can take is (for E and F kinematics) to take
    a 10 cm dummy run very early in the program, and use this to refine your
    reactz difference cut (see ek/checkc.kumac). However this may still
    not be enough. So here is a guide for how to set the delay:
    for Py-2C,2D,2E,2F -- the last setting (1700-4000) should be OK.
    For Py-2B,2A will likely have to change. Also, we may have to do
    something at the hardware level for the highest setting, since we are
    getting a bit too close to the edge for the highest momenta that will be
    encountered at these kinematics.
    The plot below illustrates the problem. The second peak in tc spectrum
    is at about channel 193, and Bob predicts that the peaks will slide to
    the right by 9.2 ns as we move to PY-1F. This puts the satellite peak
    centroid at 202.5, with 3sigma at 206.7. 208 looks like the edge of
    the flat portion. Bob, can you make the good part of the bucket slide
    over a bit to the right (like 8 ns or so?).
    Here is a table of predicted peak positions, based on the current setting
    and on bob's program:

    setting mom(p) peak hdelay
    py-2A 1105 [173.9] 26.5
    py-2B 1249 [179.1] 21.3
    py-2C 1419 183.5 16.9
    py-2D 1627 [187.3] 13.1
    py-2E 1899 [190.6] 9.8
    py-2F 2154 [192.7] 7.7

    The peak positions in brackets are predicted values.

    FIGURE 1