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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 17:27:29 on October 9,2000

    Entry number 49931

    This entry is a followup to: 49930


    keyword=PLEASE READ THIS: notes on setting proper trigger

    Setting the proper coincidence time requires care. I have set up two macro
    files -- ek/checktc.kumac and pk/checktc.kumac. Please run them
    immediately after starting a new production kinematic setting. For the
    py-2C,2B,2A kinematics, running about 50k events will do. for 2D,2E,2F
    more may be necessary. more notes on this in a following halog entry.
    we use the program "trigsetup" (from account adaq) to set up the trigger.
    when it asks you for a momentum setting, choose 0 and it will give you
    a list of settings. at a new PY production kinematics, first try the setting
    which agrees with your proton momentum. use checktc to check it. if
    the coinc peak is too close to the HIGH END of the tc acceptance, then
    you need to go back to trigsetup and choose a higher momentum range.
    if the coinc peak is too close to the LOW END of the tc acceptance,
    then you need to go back and choose a lower momentum range.