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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 20:18:10 on October13,2000

    Entry number 50322

    This entry is a followup to: 50307

    keyword=77% of data is OK!

    So, I did Bob's suggestion and replayed using cuts on the left-arm-measured
    tc spectrum. For this one, a delta function is obtained in tc whenever we
    have the problem that the right arm defines the left-arm gate timing, since
    then the right arm determines both the start and the stop. I applied a
    cut on three different regions located in the "good" part of the
    left-arm-measured tc (let's call it tcl) spectrum, as well as a cut on
    the self-timing part of the same tcl spectrum. I sorted into raw (or
    at least as raw as ESPACE gets) histograms of tdc,adc based on these
    four gates. Same run as earlier halog entry. Also same spectra
    (left side paddle 2 S1 on electron side).
    I also verified that on the hadron side, there is no problem. The spectra
    are OK for all four regions of tcl, as they should be since the hadron-side
    (right side) gates always define themselves.
    My next project will be to understand the nature of the double peaks
    on the left side. They are not present on the right side.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2