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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 03:41:15 on October14,2000

    Entry number 50366

    This entry is a followup to: 50335


    keyword=origin of double peaks

    Jeff was worried about double peaks on L-arm, S1 and S2
    paddle 2 TDCs. Here I plot for PMT on S1(left). The double
    peaks originate from multiple track events. The PMT multiplicity
    plotted shows a high rate of more than 2 PMT hits per plane. The
    double peak disappears if I make cuts do demand only one track on
    the 'gold plated S-Ray' pattern (lower left plot). If there are multiple hits
    I get the plot in the lower right histogram, showing a nearly 1:1 ratio of
    double peaks. Generally we get multiple peaks and shoulders in
    TDCs because different PMTs can strobe the MLU. In the case
    of paddle 2, it is probably because there is a ~10 nsec mismatch in
    timing between a neighboring paddle, for instance because we put
    signals on paddle 3 through a linear fan-in and we didn't perfectly
    match the timing (10 nsec is quite possible). Is it a problem ? I don't
    think so, but the timing algorithm in ESPACE might need upgrading
    for this high rate environment. The only subtlety is if we get EARLY
    strobes coming from photons (or something that doesn't make a track)
    that accompany the tracks, these can kill the trigger for the tracks. For
    this reason the MLU strobe timing should exceed the split of paddle timing.
    The MLU strobe time for beam is >= 22 nsec for the S1 and >= 12 for S2 (ouch).
    We could reduce the split using remote delays.

    FIGURE 1