Distances in Stellar Astronomy  ( references )

All distances eventually get tied down to stellar parallax. The process is :

1)Measure, trignometrically, the distances to certain stars.

2) Use physical characteristics of stars at a known distance to associate with their luminosities.

examples - cepheid variable stars : These show a periodic and regular variation in their light output as a function of their luminosity

- Stars on the main sequence of the Hertzsprung -Russell diagram. The absolute luminosity depends on the spectral class ( or temperature ).

3) Measure the spectral class or period of a star's luminosity and compare the apparent brightness with the known real brightness ( luminosity ) to obtain the distance from the 1/d2 law describing how the brightness decreases with distance.

HR diagram exercise

Using a star's apparent magnitude, m, and it's absolute magnitude M we can determine it's distandce, d. For our sun it's aboslute magnitude is M = 4.83. This would be it's apparent magnitude, m, if it were placed 10 parsecs away, m = 4.83. Suppose we find a G2 category star of magnitude m on the main sequence in a globular closter. Th distance d to the cluster can be calculated in parsecs(1 pc = 3.28 ly). d = 10(m - 4.83 + 5)/5.

There are many other ways of obtaining distances, but these two using the cepheid variables and the Hertzsprung -Russell diagram are the main ones.
Thus, we see as part of the results of the HIPPARCOS satellite and the aim of the GAIA satellite the location and distance determination of the cepheid variables in our galaxy.

Measurements of distances across our galaxy and outside our galaxy were important in determing the nature of the spiral nebulae to be that of "Island Universes" outside our Milky Way Galaxy and of comparable stature.
  Lick Observatory distance tutorial
Astronomical Distance Ladder, Lick Observatory

Galactic Motions

Motions of galaxies can be of two types,

1) linear motion of the galaxy as a whole
2) internal motion of the galaxy

Just as measuring the positions of the planets enabled ancient and modern astronomers to devise models for the solar system, the measurement of the large scale motions of the galaxies enables us to devise models for the universe. Is the motion within a galaxy random? Do the galaxies move randomly with respect to each other?

The first person to have measured galactic velocities was Vesto M. Slipher of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona in 1912. He found that the Andromeda nebula was approaching the sun ( our galaxy ) at 300 km/s. By 1914 he had recorded 13 Doppler shifts and by 1925 he had measured 45. Measurements of the relative motion of galaxies was important in determining the large scale structure of the observable universe. We have in Crowe's text( p. 256) an excerpt from Slipher's 1915 paper. He also observed a curvature in spectral lines from galaxies. This curvature could be interpreted as a doppler shift of the light coming from different regions of a galaxy.

Adriaan van Maanen's (Mt. Wilson) paper , p. 259 in Crowe, reports on the internal motion of M101 by a non-spectroscopic technique, namely, comparing photographs of the galaxy taken many years apart. His table on p. 263 allows us to calculate , in principle,  the internal mass of M101 as a function of the distance from the center of that galaxy. The issue here is whether or not his data are reliable.

Harlow Shapely and the distance scales at Mt. Wilson, 1918
Determining Distances to Globular Clusters 1
Determining Distances to Globular Clusters 2
Determining Distances to Cepheid Variables

Exercise in Class

From Hubble's paper (p. 332 Crowe) on M33 and Henrietta Leavitt's paper on the
( p. 230, Crowe) we can determine the relative distances between them. We do this by noting that  magnitudes differ so that a difference in 5 units of magnitude is equal to a factor of 100 in brightness ( the energy per unit area/second from the object).

Small Magellanic Cloud

M33 - Triangulum Galaxy

Thus,  B1/B2 = 2.51189(m2 - m1) , where m2 and m1 are the magnitudes of objects 2 and 1 and the B's refer to their brightness. The constant term is the fifth root of 100, that is,
2.51189 = 1001/5 .

1) Leavitt's and Hubble's data Graph
Plot both Hubble's data and Leavitt's data on the same graph with the vertical axis representing photographic magnitude ( from 11 at the top to 20 at the bottom) and the horizontal axis representing log(period) from 0 to 3.0 . Use the maximum value of the magnitude for the vertical scale. Expand the horizontal scale so that you use up as much  of the graph as possible.

2) Draw straight lines by eye through the data sets. For the middle of Hubble's data obtain the difference in magnitude between his data on M33 and Leavitt's on the SMC. Using the formula above find the ratio of brightness, calling the SMC object 1 and M33 object 2.

3) We now can use the brightness ratio to obtain the absolute brightness ratio of the cepheid variables in the two objects. We know that the brightness falls off as 1/distance2 .

(D2 / D1 )2 = B1 /B2 . Using the value of D1 = 0.21 Mly for the SMC, find the distance to M33.  How does this compare to the value reported in SEDS' Messier catalog?

Hubble's 1929 paper (http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/diamond_jubilee/1996/hub_1929.html) on the velocities of nearby galaxies - The beginning of the "Expanding Universe".

For a collection of informative debates on the issues of cosmology and astrophysics see
 The Great Debate, and more!

"Exploration of the Universe", George Abell, Holt Rinehar,Winston Inc., 1969

"Astronomy!: A Brief Edition", James B. Kaler, Addison-Wesley, 1996

"Modern Theories of the Universe from Herschel to Hubble", Michael J. Crowe, Dover Pub., 1994

"The Norton History of Astronomy and Cosmology", John North, W.W.Norton & Co. ,1994